Fly Gemini CanBoot bootloader for USB
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Configuring and installing CanBoot bootloader for USB
Install CanBoot package
ssh to your klipper host console
- Clone the CanBoot firmware to your Klipper Host
cd ~/ git clone
- From your Fluidd or Mainsail web UI Edit Moonraker.conf and add the following at the bottom to allow moonraker to manage updates to the CAN bus software.
[update_manager CanBoot] type: git_repo path: ~/CanBoot origin: is_system_service: False
Compile CanBoot firmware
- cd to the Canboot directory
cd CanBoot
- Run make clean
make clean
- Open menuconfig
make menuconfig
- Set the following settings
Quit and save the configuration
- Run the make command to compile the firmware
- You should now have a canboot.bin and a deployer.bin file at ~/CanBoot/out/
Flash CanBoot to the Fly Gemini V2 MCU
- ftp to your Fly Gemini V2 with an FTP client like FileZilla
- connect with the following settings
- Hostname: sftp://flygemini.local
- Username: fly
- Password: Enter your password. The default Gemini password is ‘mellow’
- Port: 22
- Click ‘Quickconnect’
- open the folder ‘/home/fly/CanBoot/out’
- download deployer.bin to your PC
- connect with the following settings
place the MCU MiniSD card into a card reader and connect it to your PC.
Copy the deployer.bin file to the SD card
rename deployer.bin to firmware.bin
Eject the SD card from the PC
Insert the SD card into the MCU SD card Slot.
CanBoot Menu Config USB -
Press the MCU reboot button
CanBoot Menu Config USB -
Wait a few minutes
Open a putty SSH session to the and log on
- run lsusb to verify the MCU has been discovered as a USB device
add screen shot
Continue to the Klipper for USB configuration section