The pin names of the Fly-Puppet
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Fly-Puppet Pinout Diagram

Fly-Puppet Driver Pins in Firmware
Driver pin numbers. They are separated by driver number.
Pin Type | 0 (X) | 1 (Y) | 2 (Z) | 3 (E0) | 4 (E1) |
Enable Pins | gpio18 | gpio14 | gpio10 | gpio6 | gpio2 |
Step Pins | gpio20 | gpio16 | gpio12 | gpio8 | gpio4 |
Direction Pins | gpio19 | gpio15 | gpio11 | gpio7 | gpio13 |
UART Pins | gpio21 | gpio17 | gpio13 | gpio9 | gpio5 |
Fly-Puppet Other Pins in Firmware
Pin Number | Pin Name 1 | Pin Name 2 | Alias |
gpio26 | bed | hbed | BED_OUT |
gpio22 | xmin | xstop | X_STOP |
gpio29 | bedtemp | tb | BED_TEMP |
gpio28 | e0temp | t0 | HEAT_TEMP |
gpio27 | e0heat | he0 | HEAT |
host:gpio21 | fan1 | FAN1 | |
host:gpio20 | fan2 | FAN2 | |
gpio25 | fan0 | fan | FAN0 |
host:gpio16 | servo0 | SERVO | |
gpio23 | ymin | ystop | Y_STOP |
host:gpio19 | neopixel | RGB | LED |
host:gpio20 | fan2 | FAN2 | |
gpio24 | zmin | zstop | Z_STOP |
gpio24 | probe | PROBE |