General information regarding the Fly-RPFMex
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This page covers any general information for the Fly-RPFMex board.
Avaliable from the Mellow store on Aiexpress
In order to meet the customer for expanding Gemini, we made a 4-axis expansion board. The original Gemini 4-axis board can be expanded to 8-axis to meet the needs of more 3D printers. This expansion board would have limited functionality in a stand alone configuration as a 3D printer motherboard because it does not include heating and temperature measurement functions.
- MCU: RPI RP2040
- Communication: USB
- 12/24V input
- 2A 5V power supply
- Drivers: 4 - TMC2209 onboard drivers
- Sensorless Homing is not supported
- Interfaces
- 2 CNC Fans with replacable Fly MOS.
- 1 Full power fan
- RGB LED port
- 3 Limit switch inputs


- Fly RPFMEX Board
- 4 heatinks for TMC2209 drivers
- JST-XH connectors and crimp terminals
- Fly MOS
- USB C Cable