How to compile and install the klipper firmware running on a Fly-Super8Pro H723 in USB mode
Configuring and installing Klipper for USB
Compile Klipper firmware for Fly-Super8Pro H723
Tip: To read more about the KCONFIG_CONFIG option, see here
- ssh to your klipper host console
cd to the klipper directory
cd ~/klipper
Run make clean
make clean KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super8proh723
Open menuconfig
make menuconfig KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super8proh723
- Set the following settings
- [*] Enable extra low-level configuration options
- Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32)
- Processor model (STM32H723)
- Bootloader offset (128KiB bootloader (SKR SE BX v2.0))
- Clock Reference (25 MHz crystal)
- Communication interface (USB (on PA11/PA12))
- USB ids
() GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup
Klipper Menu Config USB
- Quit and save the configuration
Run Make to compile the firmware
make KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super8proh723 -j4
Flash Klipper USB firmware with Katapult over USB
Find the Serial ID
ls /dev/serial/by-id/
Copy the ID containing ‘STM32’ and make a note of it for use in your printer.cfg.
Run the make flash command to flash the firmware
make KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super8proh723 flash FLASH_DEVICE= {Your serial ID here }
make KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super8proh723 flash FLASH_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-katapult_stm32f407xb_170038000650314D35323820-if00
Burn Klipper firmware over USB -
Your Fly-Super8Pro H723 should now have klipper firmware installed and be ready to use.