Fly-Puppet with Raspberry Pi
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Configuring and installing Rasberry Pi for the Fly-Puppet

Mounting the Rasberry Pi to the Fly-Puppet

  • The Rasberry Pi mounts to the sockets on the bottom of the Fly-Puppet

    Mounting the Raspberry to the Fly puppet
    Mounting the Raspberry to the Fly puppet

Write OS to SD or EMMC

Post image Burn configuration

Perform these steps before starting up the Rasberry Pi

  • Open the mounted EMMC Drive or SD card on your PC.
  • Open the config.txt file in the /boot directory and add following two lines configuration
    Edit config.txt
    Edit config.txt
  • Create a new blank file under the boot disk, the file name is SSH , no suffix
  • WIFI Setup
    • MainsailOS modify /boot/mainsailos-wpa-supplicant.txt
    • FluiddPi modify /boot/fluiddpi-wpa-supplicant.txt
    • Delete the # in front of these 4 lines
    • Change ssid and psk to your WiFi name and password respectively
    Edit WIFI configuration file
    Edit WIFI configuration file
    • The preparations are complete, If you used an SD card now you can install the SD card into Raspberry Pi and start it up

Compile Klipper firmware for Linux MCU

  • ssh to your klipper host console
  • cd to the klipper directory
    cd klipper
  • Run make clean
    make clean
  • Open menuconfig
    make menuconfig
  • Set the following settings
    • Enable extra Low Level configuration options : Un-Checked
    • Micro Controller : Linux Process

      Configure Linux MCU Firmware
      Configure Linux MCU Firmware
  • Quit and save the configuration

Flash The Rasberry Pi as a Lunix MCU

  • run the following command to flash the Rasberry Pi
    sudo service klipper stop
    make flash
    sudo service klipper start
  • Add the following to your Fly-Puppet printer.cfg file to connect the Rasberry Pi as an MCU in klipper.
    [mcu host]
    serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu