Fly Gemini V2 Klipper host
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Configuring and installing Klipper for CAN bus

Compile Klipper firmware for can

  • ssh to your klipper host console
  • cd to the klipper directory
    cd klipper
  • Run make clean
    make clean
  • Open menuconfig
    make menuconfig
  • Set the following settings
    • Enable extra Low Level configuration options : Checked
    • Micro Controller : STMicroelectronics STM32
    • Processor Model: STM32F405
    • Bootloader Offset: 32 Kib bootloader
    • Clock Ref: 8 MHz crystal
    • Comm Interface - CAN on PA11/PA12

    • CanBus Speed: 500000

      Klipper Menu Config CAN
      Klipper Menu Config CAN
  • Quit and save the configuration

  • Run Make to compile the firmware
make -j4

Flash Klipper firmware with CanBoot over CAN bus

  • Get the Fly Gemini V2 UUID buy running the following script.
    ~/CanBoot/scripts/ -i can0 -q
  • If CAN devices are detected the above command will return the following.
    Detected uuid: 8248a4b16ede, Application: CanBoot
    Flash Can Query
    Flash Can Query
  • Each device will have a unique uuid. In the above example, 8248a4b16ede is the micro-controller’s canbus uuid.

  • Save the UUID for the next step.

  • Flash the klipper FW to the Fly Gemini V2 by running the following command.
    python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/ -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u {paste your UUID here}


    python3 ~/CanBoot/scripts/ -i can0 -f ~/klipper/out/klipper.bin -u 6248a4b16ede
  • You should get a download progress bar and File downloaded successfuly when the burning is complete.
    Burn Klipper firmware over CAN bus
    Burn Klipper firmware over CAN bus
  • Your Fly Gemini V2 should now have klipper firmware loaded and be ready to use.