Fly-Puppet with Fly pi
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Configuring and installing Fly Pi for the Fly-Puppet
Mounting the Fly Pi to the Fly-Puppet
The Fly Pi mounts to the sockets on the bottom of the Fly-Puppet
Mounting the Fly Pi to the Fly puppet
Configure Fly OS on SD or M2WE
- Folllow the Fly Pi setup guides to Configure Fly OS on an SD card or the M2WE. When setup is complete return to this page and perform the Linux MCU setup.
Compile Klipper firmware for Linux MCU
Note: Repeat these steps if a klipper update requires flashing new firmware to the MCU.
- ssh to your klipper host console
- cd to the klipper directory
cd klipper
- Run make clean
make clean
- Open menuconfig
make menuconfig
- Set the following settings
- Quit and save the configuration
Flash The Fly Pi as a Lunix MCU
- run the following command to flash the Fly Pi
sudo service klipper stop make flash sudo service klipper start
- Add the following to your Fly-Puppet printer.cfg file to connect the Fly Pi as an MCU in klipper.
[mcu host] serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu