How to Configure Katapult for USB to CAN Bridge Operation on the Fly-Super5Pro
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Configuring and installing Katapult bootloader for USB to CAN Bridge Mode
Katapult allows you to update your mainboard via USB, so no rebooting and rewiring is necessary. We recommend using Katapult for this additional convenience.
Install Katapult package
Note: The bootloader software formerly known as CANBoot has been renamed to Katapult
Tip: To read more about the KCONFIG_CONFIG option, see here
ssh into your klipper host console
Clone the Katapult firmware to your Klipper Host
cd ~/ git clone
From your Fluidd or Mainsail web UI Edit Moonraker.conf and add the following at the bottom to allow Moonraker to manage updates to Katapult.
[update_manager Katapult] type: git_repo path: ~/katapult origin: is_system_service: False
Compile Katapult firmware
cd to the Katapult directory
cd ~/katapult
Run make clean
make clean KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super5pro
Open menuconfig
make menuconfig KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super5pro
- Set the following settings
- Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32)
- Processor model (STM32H723)
- Build Katapult deployment application (128KiB bootloader (SKR SE BX v2.0))
- Clock Reference (25 MHz crystal)
- Communication interface (USB (on PA11/PA12))
- Application start offset (128KiB offset)
- () GPIO pins to set on bootloader entry
- [*] Support bootloader entry on rapid double clip of reset button
- [ ] Enable bootloader entry on button (or gpio) state
[ ] Enable Status LED
Katapult Menu Config CAN
Quit and save the configuration
Run the make command to compile the firmware
make KCONFIG_CONFIG=config.super5pro -j4
- You should now have a deployer.bin file at ~/katapult/out/
Flash Katapult to the Fly-Super5Pro MCU
- ftp to your klipper host with an FTP client like FileZilla
- open the folder ‘~/katapult/out’
- download deployer.bin to your PC
- place the MCU MicroSD card into a card reader and connect it to your PC.
- ensure that the SD Card is formatted as Fat32. If in doubt use the SD Card Formatter.
- Copy the deployer.bin file to the root of the SD card
- rename deployer.bin to firmware.bin
- Eject the SD card from the PC
Insert the SD card into the Fly-Super5Pro SD card Slot.
Fly-Super5Pro SD card -
Press the Fly-Super5Pro reboot button
Fly-Super5Pro reset button - Wait a few minutes
Open a putty SSH session to the Fly-Super5Pro and log on
run lsusb to verify the MCU has been discovered as a USB device
Example lsusb Output - Continue to the Klipper for USB to CAN Bridge mode configuration section